Dit is heerlik om weer rondom ons te kyk en SONSKYN te sien. Om die koue Kaapse water te trotseer. Saterdag het ons soveel walvisse gesien dat ons naderhand ophou tel het. Ons het ook ‘n baba albino walvissie gesien. Ons het kaalvoet rondgeloop totdat ons ou sagte voetjies so seer geword het dat ons moes skoene aantrek, maar wag die somer kom en teen die einde van die Somer trap ons weer die dorings dat hulle breek.
God moet ons eenvoudig baie lief hê om vir ons te seën met hierdie pragtige natuur. Een van die dinge wat ons gesin werklik geniet is om voëls te kyk. Dit bring ons nie net in die natuur nie, maar ook nader aan God en aan mekaar. Dit is ons verantwoordelikheid om ons kinders nie net bloot te stel aan die natuur nie, maar ook om vir hulle te leer wat is hulle verantwoordelikheid teenoor die natuur.
Hoe doen julle dit as gesin:
Ek het onlangs die volgende artikel van Brian Mclaren raakgelees.
What could be more joyful than rediscovering our God-given role as caretakers, stewards, and lovers of creation? What could be more sad and tragic than missing that dimension of life - linking the human parts of God's creation with the rest? How much would we miss by neglecting or ignoring the vast majority of God's creation that came into being before we did - and that was pronounced "good" by God completely apart from its utility to us?
Here are seven first steps that I recommend to all of us who want to re-enter our primal (and deeply fulfilling) role as caretakers of God's beautiful world.
1. Develop a theology of creation. Sadly, many of us have a gospel of evacuation and abandonment, leaving behind creation to be destroyed so our souls can be beamed up to heaven as soon as possible. We need instead a theology of incarnation and engagement ... where we join the Creator in loving and caring for creation. Thankfully, this theology that includes rather than evacuates creation is deeply rooted in the Scriptures, and is being rediscovered and freshly articulated by many of us today.
(more after the jump)
2. Worship the God of creation. God is first revealed to us as creator, and in the end, God is the gracious source of new creation. From creation to new creation, God the Creator is worthy to be praised. How sad if we worship God within a construction of human doctrines and within man-made walls and ceilings ... and never worship God within a forest of trees or under a canopy of stars or with a choir of singing birds, crickets, and tree frogs!
3. Learn the threats to creation. They are many, and they are complex, and they are interwoven and mutually reinforcing. And we are complicit in nearly all of them.
4. Adjust your lifestyle to creation. In the Genesis story, part of Adam and Eve "wanting to be like gods" must surely involve wanting to transcend our God-given role as creatures in an environment. We are as connected to habitats of soil, water, air, grass, and trees as are gazelles and lions, dragonflies and mockingbirds. We have been living in a fantasy world for centuries, forgetting that we are woven in a fabric of creation ... and we need to re-enter and adjust our lifestyles to that beautiful fabric. Doing so will be a lifelong task. It will involve personal action (changing light bulbs, recycling, composting, driving less and driving wiser, applying new technologies, etc.), but also social and political action. (More on that in #7)
5. Choose a part of creation in which to specialize. God loves birds ... you can join God. God loves flowers and deserts and wetlands and sea turtles ... you can join God. God knows the potential of wind and hydrogen and solar energy to help us live more wisely - you can join God. We can't all know everything, but we can all specialize in certain areas and share our learnings and concerns with one another.
6. Start with your environmental address. A zip code is just so mail can find you. Your real address is a watershed ... a place on the planet where you consume, pollute, garden, tend, and care. We all have to care for the whole planet, but we each must care especially for our own ecological neighborhood. Here's a place to start learning ...
7. Advocate for creation everywhere. Birds don't get to vote. Neither do streams or salamanders. Corporations are given legal status and protection, but forests aren't (maybe they should be?). If birds and soil and trees and wind are going to be given a voice in life-and-death decisions made by humans, people like you and me are going to have to add-our-voice (advocate) on their behalf. That voice will speak in voting, but also in church, and in the office and classroom, and around the dinner table. We can't just speak with a kind of guilt-inducing duty ... we must also speak with love. Because we love people and other creatures who live in desertifying areas, we must speak up and deal with global climate change. Because we love people and creatures who live in areas devastated by mountaintop removal, we must speak up for protecting the mountains. Because we love the spring peepers and spotted salamanders, we must speak up when another shopping mall is going to bury another vernal pool.
There's so much more to be said and done, but this is a start. And these things are not simply a duty, but a true joy. The threats and urgency of the moment can be truly overwhelming, but the Spirit of creation that hovered over the surface of the waters in Genesis 1 is still alive, stirring hearts to rediscover a truly human way of living in God's beautiful green world.
Is dit jou eie foto? Dit is ongelooflik! Ek en my gesin kuier baie in die Natuurtuin en elke vakansie stap ons as gesin Helderberg een keer saam uit. Dit is wonderlik lekker en goedkoop:)
ReplyDeleteAi Marius dit was sommer 'n wonderlike dag waar die walvisse uit hulle pad gegaan het om voor my te kom spring. Fotografie is my stokperdjie en ek was werklik bederf met hierdie geleentheid. Ons gaan kuier ook gereeld in die Natuurtuin, maar het nog nooit as gesin die berg uitgeklim nie. Miskien hierdie vakansie.
Is daar dalk 'n moontlikheid dat ons kan kyk na 'n fotogedeelte vir die blog? Miskien waar ons foto's kan plaas van ons gemeente, wat iets se oor die preke, ons gemeenskap of wat sommer net mooi is? Ek self geniet fotografie baie.
ReplyDeleteEk sal dit deurgee vir die persoon verantwoordelik vir die blog. Hier by die kerk is veral ek, Hannes Theron, Renier van Schalkwyk en Jan Branders baie lief vir kiekies neem. Dit behoort lekker te wees maar die geleerdes moet vir ons se of ons die blog op so 'n wyse kan benut. Wat se tipe foto's neem jy?
Marius - dit is 'n goeie idee om ons fotos met mekaar te deel. Fotografie is mos eintlik veel meer as net 'n stokperdjie - elke keer wanneer ek deur 'n lens na dinge kyk, beleef ek iets van die grootheid en van God. Om na ander se fotos te kyk, is om ook iets van God se diversiteit te beleef. Ek en jy sal op dieselfde plek wees en tog verskillende fotos neem - jy sal goed raaksien wat ek en ander glad nie raaksien nie. So is dit ook in ons geloofslewe: Ons is deel van dieselfde gemeente, lees dieselfde Bybel; staan in dieselfde konteks - en tog beleef ons God anders, sien ons verskillende goed raak. Gemeenskap van gelowiges is om dit wat elkeen van ons van God beleef met mekaar te deel. Om na mekaar se fotos te kyk, is om iets wat jy van God deur sy skepping beleef, met mekaar te deel. Elkeen van ons kyk op 'n unieke manier deur dei lens en dit wat ons raaksien, se ook iets van onsself. Nou raak ek darem lekker filosofies - om fotos te neem van en in God se skepping is ook 'n manier van aanbidding.
ReplyDeletewat 'n verrassing ek het nooit jou vereenselwig met iets soos fotografie nie. Dit is 'n lekker verrassing
Marius, ek is baie bly dat ek jou kon verras. Dit is nou maar een ding van menswees: Moet nooit se dat jy iemand werklik ken nie, nie eerns jou vrou, man of kinders nie. Daar is altyd 'n kant waarmee mense jou verras. Dit is deel van dei groot wonder van die skepping. Ek het die week so 'n mooi belewenis gehad saam mwet Henri en Ronelle van Loggerenberg - ons het gaan fotos neem op die Van Zylspas tussen Villiersdorp en Botrivier. As jy vir my jou epos aanstuur, stuur ek v ir jou 'n paar van die pragtige fotos wat ek daar geneem het. My epos is: hannes@nghelder.co.za. Ek weet nog nie so lekker hoe 'n mens 'n foto op die blog kan plaas nie.